Item Coversheet

Council Communication

An ordinance amending the City of Waterloo Code of Ordinances by adding a new Title 5, Police Regulations, Chapter 3, Human Rights, Section 15, Unfair Use of Criminal Record in Hiring Decisions.

City Council Meeting: 10/7/2019
Prepared: 7/17/2019
Ordinance as proposed - FINALBackup Material
criminal record ord - employment 8-20-19 redline.Backup Material
Ordinance remarks - Mr. SchmittBackup Material

Motion to receive, file and consider, and pass for the third time and adopt an ordinance amending the City of Waterloo Code of Ordinances by adding a new Title 5, Police Regulations, Chapter 3, Human Rights, Section 15, Unfair Use of Criminal Record in Hiring Decisions.

Submitted by:
Submitted By: Abraham L. Funchess, Jr., Human Rights Director
Recommended Action:

Approve the Fair Chance Initiative.

Summary Statement:

This ordinance is recommended for both public and private employers.  In the absence of this kind of ordinance, employers “exclude candidates who have any sort of criminal record, which can include misdemeanors, arrests that did not result in a conviction, and convictions for crimes not relevant to the job…”


Expenditure Required:
Source of Funds:
Policy Issue:
Background Information:
This ordinance is recommended for both public and private employers.  In the absence of this kind of ordinance, employers “exclude candidates who have any sort of criminal record, which can include misdemeanors, arrests that did not result in a conviction, and convictions for crimes not relevant to the job…”